I'm 22 and have now been married for just over 2 1/2 years - 13 months ago, Hubby (Matt) and I decided that it felt right to begin trying for a family. And so our journey began.
Our 6th cycle of TTC came around SO fast and it was around this point that my impatient disposition really kicked in and the question 'When will it happen?' was always at the front of my mind.
Cycle 7, 8 and 9 came and passed. Alot of false hopes came and passed also.
Cycle 10 came, and my period was late - again I allowed for that hope to creep in and went out to buy yet another test. This one, unike the others, finally gave me the result I had been praying for: PREGNANT. In fact, here's exactly what I wrote on the morning of getting my BFP (big fat positive):
06-Oct-2011: I can't put into words how overwhelmed, emotional, excited and over the moon I feel - I've been waiting for this day for what seems like forever.
Being a mum and having a family is the one thing in life I have always known I've wanted. I've never known what career to follow, what course to take etc but having a family, it's my dream. And today, I finally feel like my dream is coming true.
Yesterday I took what felt like my millionth pregnancy test - I used to only buy the digital ones but this got too expensive, so yesterday's was a cheap-y ASDA one. After 5 minutes the FAINTEST of lines appeared and my heart skipped a beat. I was straight on to google - eager to hear if anyone else had ever 'had a pale line'...quite a few have it seems! There were a whole range of reasons why a pale line might appear but the most common answer? Your pregnant - a line is a line no matter how pale. But I couldn't let myself believe, scared of feeling the same disappointment I had felt month after month. So, I bought a second test - this time clearblue - I wanted to be sure.
I took the test this momring and jumped into the shower - I couldn't just stand there, staring at the test. With shampoo in my hair - it flashed up...'Pregnant 1-2 weeks'.
I jumped back out the shower, shampoo still in my hair and revealed the news to hubby - his face I will remember forever.
And so it begins!
Wow, it's really emotional to read that back because, unfortunately, the excitement was short lived: the pregnancy was ectopic.

Wow, it's really emotional to read that back because, unfortunately, the excitement was short lived: the pregnancy was ectopic.
Thank you for your swwet comment on my blog. It means a lot! I wish you the best in TTC.
So sorry to hear that. Just found your blog and decided to read from the start since the entries are still few to go through all. I do hope the future brings smiles your way.
Thank you both - looking forward to what 2012 has in store :-) x
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