Monday 30 January 2012

2WW - I really haven't missed you....

According to Fertility Friend, I am officially in the midst of my first 2WW since my ectopic pregnancy - scary!

Time has absolutly flown by this past 3 months, which really has been a blessing. I remember feeling so put down when we were forced to take a 3 month break from TTC but it has given me time to reign my emotions in and get ready to hit this ball out of the park!

As previous blogs have stated, this is my first cycle using Fertility Friend - I guess I'm still a little cautious to trust it entirely, after all - could it really have sussed out my cycle before even I have?!

But, if I am to trust it - today is 3dpo. 3 days in to a loooong 2 weeks. I get insanely impatient.

I'm a bit gutted that we failed to 'BD' the day before the big O - seeing that has made me feel a little deflated. But ho-hum, there's always next cycle...


Jessica said...

Dude, even I don't trust Fertility Friend as much as it would like me to. This cycle, it told me I O'd on CD18, then changed its mind and said CD19, then changed back to CD18, then took everything back and said I didn't O at all. I'm simply using it as somewhere to put my temps every day, rather than relying on it to tell me wise and wonderful things. I've learnt enough about my body to understand if and when I ovulate x

Lara said...

I'm with Jessica, you cannot trust it 100% just use it as guide, it's not concrete at all. Of you had pcos like me you would soon find out that nothing can be trusted, just keep doing your part. I hope you are indeed in your 2ww and you caught your lil eggy, fingers are crossed for you dear

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