Monday 23 January 2012

TCC Tag!

I stumbled on quite a few of these 'TTC Tag' vlog things on YouTube. Being a little camera-shy I thought I'd do the next best thing and blog my answers!

1. How long have you been TTC?
13 months (with a 3 month forced break due to an ectopic pregnancy in October 2011).

2. How many kids to you have?
None at the moment - hopeful that this won't be my answer for too much longer though!

3. How old are you and hubby?
I'm 22, hubby is 23.

4. How long have you been married?
It will be our 3rd anniversary this summer (June 27th)

5. What are some crazy things you've done while TTC?
Erm...I wouldn't say we've done anything particularly crazy - infact blogging about it is probably the craziest thing as I'm a very private person normally!

6. Does your hubby know all about the TTC cycle?
Ha! I'm going to say no.

7. Have you been diagnosed with any kind of infertility?
No, we know we can conceive - just need a little luck on our side for next time :)

8. What keeps you busy in the 2WW?
I tend to over-work in my 2ww - I guess to keep my mind off things a little, also, if I stayed at home I would find it hard not to take HPTs every second!

9. What day do you usually ovulate?
I actually have no idea - I have fairly long cycles (30-38 days normally) and only started charting this cycle - so I'll come back to you on that one!

10. What sex are you hoping for?
Well, hubby has his heart set on a boy. I really wouldn't mind either way although we have already chosen a name for a little girl...

11. How many pregnancy books do you have?
One: The Rough Guide to Pregnancy and Birth - Kaz Cooke

12. How many HPT's do you go through each cycle?
I limit myself to one per cycle.

13. What have you already bought for baby or pregnancy?
Nothing other than the book from question 11 :)

14. What themes/design do you want for a nursery?
To be honest, I haven't really thought about that - probably a pretty neutral theme though with lots of teddy bears!

15. Do you plan to do pregnancy vlogs?
vlogs no: blogs, yes :) (Edit: So, clearly my thoughts on this have changed! Check out my Vlog, link at the top of the page!)

16. Who are your favourite mums or TTCer's to watch on YouTube?
plus1please (Kelsey) and ItsMyTurnNow85 (Jessica)


Jessica said...

Hi Chrissie! I am so happy to see that you are following my TTC vlogging/blogging journey :) I've read through all your posts and you write beautifully. I've totally subbed to you and can't wait to read your next blog! Fingers crossed for both of us this year x

Hoping.Wishing.Praying said...

Thanks Jessica! Still finding my feet in this whole blogging thing so your comment was very encouraging!
2012 will be our year!! xx

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